About our project and founder



About project and founder of
Global Divine Childcare

About project and
founder of GDC


Global Divine Childcare is at the service of our Creator God and supports as a non-profit organization with this project within the current transformation of our planet.

It would have needed probably no two steps more than that a malicious species which believed to be allowed to put itself in the place of God would have destroyed the long since completely degenerated work of creation finally. But the days of tribulation will be shortened, and faster than we had to fear. God is merciful!

It would have needed probably no two steps more than that a malicious species which believed to be allowed to put itself in the place of God would have destroyed the long since completely degenerated work of creation finally. But the days of tribulation will be shortened, and faster than we had to fear. God is merciful!

So it is high time to think about and plan for our future, because the path to ultimate peace, freedom and divine love requires completely new structures for this unimaginable change, for the benefit of all people and especially for the future of our children.

These ideas are divinely inspired and are protectively accompanied on this level. They are the basis for pilot project and research work.

The Founder of
Global Divine Childcare

Why GDC and why now?


I have been moving in the consciousness of the present great transformation for several years. Besides the reappraisal of the last decades in terms of sins, pain points and world view, I am concerned with necessary changes for the present and for the future of the golden age.

Thereby certain thoughts around the suffering of the children of this world play a role again and again. It is certain information that has reached my soul and that it is better not to have, or is it?

Horst Graf, Yoster - Gründer vom Global Divine Childcare Projekt

Horst Graf, Yoster

Incarnated in Germany in 1966 in the sign of Capricorn with a restructuring mission.

The faith in God formed in recent years, but above all the consciousness and feeling of divine connection that emerged, revealed to me inconceivable samples of grace, mercy and divine love. So for some time now I have been feeling a new companion in my thought communication and in the upper heart space. I call him JESUS. Since I met Esu, I know that I am the one I have been waiting for all my life.

In the course of my inner work, I have repeatedly come to the idea that – as in this incarnation as a soldier and policeman – this was not the first time I had been in “public service”. Against this background, I once asked Esu if I had committed a very specific, very serious sin in a previous life, about 2000 years ago. I asked him specifically if I had participated in his murder. But to this absolutely formulated and thoroughly bold question, he answered neither yes nor no, but:

You know now that I am there,
You feel that I am with you,
I’ll be by your side,

Heavy breathing, trembling and heartbreaking tears then formed the never-before-experienced emotional framework in which the idea of what divine love is emerged for me for the first time. There is no guilt or justification there. There is no fear there, no separation, and no graded class work.

There, in this love, I want to be and act.

Horst Graf - founder of GDC


The 12 divine colors and …

… the big 5D flower pot

The logo of the GDC highlights the color orange, which represents the energy of the divine color ray peach.
The peach colored ray represents joy, happiness and the feeling of doing what the life plan provides.
The lights (children) connected in the circle show all the color rays or energies of the divine order.

In this divine order, we build the “Garden of Eden” for our children.

In contrast to small flower pots, in which plants only have a very limited space and thus very limited growth, the large “5D flower pot” stands for lush development possibilities. In such a large vessel, on the breeding ground of the “Garden of Eden”, every potential can fully develop.

In the Service
of God

Under the leadership of:


Commander-in-Chief of Project Earth Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet Command (Ashtar); Earth’s representative on the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council for Earth Transition, Creator Son and Sovereign of our local universe, God,

Christ Michael - CM

In the cover as Star Trek “Q”

“If you know, you know…”

and HIS authorized representative

Sananda Esu Immanuel Jesus Kumara

CM & Esu from a drawing by Eve Kumara


powerful messenger and ascended master, son of Sanat Kumara, planetary prince on the material plane of planet Urantia (Earth) and future king at the side of the human family of planet Urantia, incorporation bearer of the Christ, savior, One with God,

Global Divine Childcare places itself in faithful devotion to divine service.