Childcare in the 5th Dimension

in the 5th Dimension
Global Research and
Restructuring Project
Global Research &
Restructuring Project
A large 5D-

After ascending to a higher level of consciousness (5D), we make the necessary corrections in the matter of raising children, namly along with a new school education system inclusive. The light has displaced the darkness and the children to be cared for become REAL FRIENDS. They can be our younger or older siblings, we will recognize, accompany and protect them.
After ascending to a higher level of consciousness (5D), we make the necessary corrections in the matter of raising children, namly along with a new school education system inclusive. The light has displaced the darkness and the children to be cared for become REAL FRIENDS. They can be our younger or older siblings, we will recognize, accompany and protect them.
With the foundation of Global Divine Childcare we have set ourselves the task to accompany our children on their way into the new level of consciousness and then to continuously support them. We consider them as our brothers and sisters sent by God and welcome them with the deep desire in the heart space:
You are love!”
We do not create daycare centers or prussian compulsory schools, no separation (more), no state regulation and commercialization of people. Quite the opposite! Rather, such artificial constructs or concepts of fear will be recognized as unworthy conditions by people in conscious societies and will therefore be rejected. This is where Global Divine Childcare comes in as a global research and restructuring project. We create Potential-Development-Paradises for children.
Childcare in the 5th Dimension
With our vision as well as its implementation, initially in the form of a planned pilot project, we promote the creation of spaces in which our children can discover and develop freely with the incredible potential of their creative nature. We also promote the necessary changes for a healthy society to be considered as a whole organism and place our children at the center.
Pilot Project
Childcare in the 5th Dimension
An entire stretch of land, situated by a lake and a forest, is to be made available for the pilot project or for childcare in the 5th dimension.. Between smaller villages in a rural setting, this Garden of Eden is to be a place that, as a “village square” between the villages, is not only centrally located and easily accessible for children and young people, but will also be creatively connecting between young and old.

For Childcare in the 5th Dimension for example we will need buildings for accommodation, management, catering, crafts, playing and learning. Around it a lot of play and cultivation area and of course water for splashing, swimming (learning) and – for example – sailing.

Additionally important for raising children
We will certainly also have the “Bremen Town Musicians” with us. We consider them as our younger siblings and will accordingly treat them with care and live with them.
About us …
About us
… project, founder and his vision
In view of our ascent into the 5th dimension, it is therefore high time to think about and plan our future. Because the path to ultimate peace, freedom and divine love requires completely new structures for this unimaginable change, namely for the benefit of all people and especially for the future of our children.
The ideas for this project are divinely inspired and are accompanied and guided at this level in a protective manner. They are not only a preliminary basis for pilot project and research work, but also reality-creating thoughts in the sense of cosmic precipitation.
Why GDC and why now?
I have been moving in the consciousness of the present great transformation for several years. Besides the reappraisal of the last decades in terms of sins, pain points and world view, I am concerned with necessary changes for the present and for the future of the golden age.
Thereby certain thoughts around the suffering of the children of this world play a role again and again. It is certain information that has reached my soul and that it is better not to have, or is it

Horst Graf, Yoster
Incarnated in Germany in 1966 in the sign of Capricorn with a restructuring mission.
Childcare in the 5th
Dimension …
Topics & Theses
Childcare in the 5th
Dimension …
Topics & Theses
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