The painless birth

within the prenatal dimension
The painless birth, the natural birth

The painless birth

An excerpt from the book: “Golden Fields” Walks with Adama, chapter: “How the birth was originally”.

Translated with DeepL

[…] We are following your ideas about GAIA’s childbearing in a very painful and exhausting process that is certainly a reflection of your perception of birth on the surface. The image goes back to a phrase in your Bible that Eve was expelled from Paradise by an angry God who spoke to her in a raised voice, “In pain you shall bear your children. Indeed, the births of her children became more and more painful for Eve, as she had […]

In the sign of the times, there have already been efforts to remember the original insights and to transform the process of birth into a highly vibrational, positive experience. Labels such as “The gentle birth”, “The natural birth” and “Privacy” or “The orgasmic birth” stand as testimony to this. The transformation of the programming of a pain experience propagated as “certainty”, shaped by the energetic power of the word “labour”, is an essential aspect of this. Changing other circumstances that have a negative effect are additional keys to a low-pain or even pain-free birth.

Video recommendation: Interview with Michel Odent.
Theme: Protection of an Involuntary Process – A new revolutionary way of thinking about birth.

Michel Odent – Interview

Protection of an Involuntary Process

A new revolutionary way of thinking about birth.

In the new time in God’s order we will be aware of the divine power of manifestation and know: “Thoughts create reality”.

Own experience in the delivery room

But let’s stay on topic for a bit. As a father of three, I have been present in the delivery room three times when my children were born. In retrospect and with today’s sensitivity, I now shudder retrospectively. Not only can I fully comprehend Adama’s explanations, but I maintain that the children here on the surface of the earth – as he so beautifully puts it from his perspective – experience the path to daylight downright under torture.

Are we experiencing torture methods in childbirth?

In any case, what we can first establish is that the vast majority of births take place in a hospital, i.e. in a place where sick people are in order to be cured. So a birth is declared as a disease and paid by a health insurance. Not infrequently, a birth resembles the scenario of an operation. Forceps, suction cup, perineal scalpel are “tools” of “modern” medicine.

Surgery birth with glaring of the newborn baby

And instead of letting the baby see a – perhaps preferably – gentle (day) light, the very first thing that happens in such a morbid “ambience” is that it is blinded by a light-intensive LED surgical lamp.

In such a hospital I noticed very consciously during the third birth, where I was allowed to be present as an expectant father, that the beeping of the CTG (“labor recorder”), which also acoustically reflects the heart sounds of the unborn child, was extremely annoying.

Delivery room CTG

A monotonous beeping, for hours, which emits something threatening when the baby’s heart rate rises and falls, even when you know the reasons for these frequency changes. The baby itself should not be aware of these reasons.

When I asked whether the acoustic signal could not be switched off, I was told that the monitoring was for safety purposes and that switching off the signal was against the regulations.

Today I ask myself how a still unborn baby might feel with these monotonous, “alarming” frequencies for hours on end. I am sure: Like many other things, for example the very harmful radiation exposure from wifi and smartphones, this must be a thing of the past!

After birth, a baby is then given brief contact with its mother, only to be snatched away from her again after a short time for the purpose of “further processing”.

The toxic injection – Established and accepted

It is not long before the first needle is inserted through the skin into the body. Just a “little prick” to supply the infant with substances like arsenic, aluminum hydroxide or mercury under the guise of “vaccination health”. Under the constraints of a growth-oriented monetary system, the pharmaceutical industry cannot be blamed for making a profit from future patient influx, and parents just mean well.

Baby Vaccination


In contrast to natural birth, the methods of medical, pathological birth are so harmful that it can be said that the human being gets already “broken” as a newborn baby. This manipulative process is perpetuated by vaccinations and subsequently by the state’s early care and education system. Naturally, a state has no intention of allowing the development of potential that is difficult to control, but instead requires a controllable mass of like-minded followers who can be sorted into the predetermined economically relevant “reality segments” and utilized.

We abolish it!

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