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The locally political dimension
The locally political dimension
All-encompassing – All-connecting
When we talk about the local political dimension of our project, we want to express our awareness that Global Divine Childcare is much more than just one project among many. GDC is at the same time a blueprint for a regional-social-communal-political reality of the new world,

Liberty Equality Fraternity
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Liberty, equality and fraternity are essential characteristics of the threefold social order, that have been shaped from different sources and in different contexts. We are concerned with our future and the future of our children. Therefore, we do not take up these concepts in a mystical or manipulative-political context. The derivation is from Anthroposophy, which has a significant role in many considerations for the future.

Life in God’s order
Life in God’s order
Get out of the shark tank
Some things do not need to be reinvented, especially when they have been so divinely formulated for a life in God’s order. Global Divine Childcare is a project that requires the 5th dimension as a necessary prerequisite. We want to visualize the order of this dimension here.