Mindmovie – God with humanity

God with humanity – A Quantum Field Meditation by Eve Kumara

For our separate contribution “Living in the order of God” we did not have to reinvent anything as a formulation of a divine framework for our project. The Mindmovie – “God with Mankind” by Eve Kumara is already so divinely formulated that no such reinvention is needed.

A wonderful visualization

We get a wonderful visualization in the following video of how we want to experience it and how it will be available accordingly as a desired framework for our Global Divine Childcare project.

For the waiting time, but also for the time “after”, we recommend this mindmovie for raising your own vibration and for the purpose of precipitation.

Journey to the future - Mindmovie - God with humanity






God wins - Mindmovie - God with humanitygewinnt


Headphones on …

… and best several times a day

Mindmovie - God with humanity

God with humanity – A Quantum Field Meditation by Eve Kumara

God with humankind – Audio MP3-Download
God with humankind – Audio MP3-Download

the audio file (MP3 High Quality), visualize the future and raise your vibration whenever you want.

Size: 12,94 MB

God with humanity – Meditation text

God with humanity

A Quantum Field Meditation by Eve Kumara

In the energetic realms of possibilities from the energetic waves of possibilities to particle in reality, from thought to energy to matter, I am in partnership with the universe and I co-creatively manifest a reality of living light, honoring God and the keepers of his creation.

I’m so happy and grateful that all terrible threats have vanished, which dark forces had tried to make our destiny. We became awake, we went into action. We were freed.

The sky is blue again with true clouds. All technology threatening our lives was eliminated and replaced by friendly technology of the new era. Carefully we study our past and do everything the right way now. Care being human and full of empathy now drains all levels.

We are free to live our highest potentials.

Suppressed countries became untied, now humans live in abundance and joy, enjoying direct contacts to their sisters and brother from universe, being aware of the importance to live according to the laws of creation. Marriage and family are regarded as holy again. Men and women honor each other following the model of creator and mother goddess.

All of us phone home on daily basis to talk to our creator using the inside of our heart space. We have become aware that animals are our younger siblings as well as the plants and minerals. We honor all life, we honor our culture, we care for our earth and her living beings.
We care for each other. We are free to move anywhere in respectfulness.

We carefully grow our food, we are the responsible keepers of the planet just how it always was meant to be.
We change deserts into gardens of fertility, we create souled grace by the wisdom of our ancestors.

Love is the desire to do good unto others. We live consciously and heedful. We live in gratefulness in our wonderful being. We manifest health and rejuvenation and steadily increase our vibration on and on.
We celebrate our humor, we support each other.
In common we manifest our wondrous future in love and with the help of God.

Deus Tecum Humanitas, God with humanity.

I co-creatively manifest a reality of living light, honoring God and the keepers of his creation. We live amidst a world of beauty and harmony. In common we manifest our wondrous future in love and with the help of God.
We choose love, we raise our vibration on and on.

We live in gratitude of our blessed life.

We are love.
we are care,
We are the keepers of the planet

We are love

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